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The Jolly Journey Podcast

Nov 8, 2019


Welcome episode 2 of The Jolly Journey podcast. If you have not listened to Episode 1, I highly encourage you to listen. 


In this episode, I explain the difference between a story and a narrative. Everyone has a story, a beginning, middle, and end. But, a narrative is different from a story because it did not begin with you and it will not end with you. If you choose to, your narrative can become an inherited one, so at the end of your life, you can pass the torch to the next generation. 


Stories reveal a lot about us, but once you define your narrative, it connects to three generations and it takes three generations to build legacy wealth. A narrative helps you put things in a proper perspective. A proper perspective that stands despite what you see and hear all around you in the world. It helps you understand that your legacy is a model that will influence other people’s stories and narratives. 


I am excited for you to learn why owning your own narrative is so important.  


Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and TuneIn! 


Episode Sponsors

This episode is brought to you by Torch Enterprises Inc. Torch stands for passing the torch from one generation to build legacy wealth via ownership and equity in our communities.  For more information go to


Links Mentioned in Episode 



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Social Media

Jolly Journey Facebook - @JollyJourney

Twitter - @PamelaJolly
Instagram - @PamelaJolly 



Podcast music  

David Hilowitz  - Gradual Sunrise